
Having a snapshot can save your time and your entire site. So, even if you do not have access to your WordPress admin to restore one from the plugin's UI, you can restore a snapshot from the Emergency Recovery Script.

Using WP Reset Cloud:

If you're using WP Reset Cloud, all of your snapshots will be listed on the Emergency Recovery Script. So, all you have to do to restore one is isolate a snapshot you want, and click a button.

  1. Navigate to Support -> Emergency Recovery Script.
  2. Open the Emergency Recovery Script, and use the password provided by the plugin to access it.
  3. Find the "Snapshots" card.
  4. Scroll through your snapshots list, choose one, and click the "Restore" button next to it.

Using a 3rd party Cloud system:

If you're using any of the 3rd party cloud solutions, you will not find the snapshots on the list. But don't worry - all you have to do is download a snapshot from the Cloud, and upload it here:

  1. Navigate to Support -> Emergency Recovery Script.
  2. Open the Emergency Recovery Script, and use the password provided by the plugin to access it.
  3. Find the "Upload snapshot" card.
  4. Click on the "Choose file" button, and select the snapshot you downloaded from the 3rd party Cloud.
  5. Click on the "Upload Snapshot" button.
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